Alphabet X spinout Intrinsic Integrates Nvidia Models into Flowstate Robotic App Platform

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Intrinsic, a spinout of Alphabet X, announced at the Automate conference that it is incorporating Nvidia offerings, including the Isaac Manipulator, into its Flowstate robotic app platform. This collaboration focuses on grasping, an important aspect of manufacturing and fulfillment automation. The system is trained on large datasets to allow for hardware agnosticism and adaptability to different objects and settings. Intrinsic is also working with Alphabet-owned DeepMind to develop pose estimation and path planning capabilities, along with the ability to operate multiple robots in tandem and utilize dual-arm systems.

Keyword: Alphabet X, Intrinsic, Nvidia, robotic app platform, manufacturing automation, fulfillment automation, hardware agnosticism, adaptability, pose estimation, path planning, dual-arm systems

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