Brave Software integrates search results into Leo chatbot

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Privacy-focused search engine and web browser company Brave Software is integrating search results into its Leo chatbot. The company aims to provide users with up-to-date information, enable them to fetch the latest scores, find more context related to topics, and search recent and relevant topics to create social media posts. The integration is privacy-forward, as Brave does not require users to log in, does not store conversations with the AI chatbot, and sends requests to an anonymization server to hide user identity. Users can purchase Leo Premium for higher rate limits and access to the latest models, with unlinkable tokens issued to prevent personal identification. Brave has been enhancing its AI capabilities to attract more users to its browser and search engine.

Keyword: Brave Software, Leo chatbot, search results, privacy-forward, AI capabilities, Leo Premium, up-to-date information, privacy, browser, search engine

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