Perplexity's AI Search Engine Now Displays Direct Results for Factual Queries

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Perplexity, an AI-powered search startup, is now displaying direct results for factual queries such as weather, time, currency conversion, and simple math queries through visual cards. CEO Aravind Srinivas mentioned that these basic queries should work fast on the search engine. Perplexity is working on enhancing its search results without linking to external sources and collaborating with Tako to visualize information like stock prices. However, the startup faced criticism for displaying search results about original reporting without proper attribution. Perplexity's chief business officer mentioned exploring revenue-sharing deals with publications to address this issue.

Keyword: Perplexity, AI-powered search engine, factual queries, direct results, visual cards, Aravind Srinivas, Tako, stock prices, original reporting, criticism, revenue-sharing deals, publications

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