No, Silicon Valley, a 'meritocracy' is not better than DEI, according to the data

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The article discusses the divide between those who support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and those who prefer meritocracy in Silicon Valley. It highlights the response to a startup founder's post promoting 'MEI' (merit, excellence, and intelligence) over DEI. Various experts in the industry criticize the promotion of meritocracy, pointing out its subjective nature and the importance of diversity for effective team performance. The article explores the data that challenges the idea of meritocracy in hiring practices and the systemic barriers faced by underrepresented groups. It also questions the effectiveness of a meritocratic system in promoting fairness and equality in the workplace.

Keyword: Silicon Valley, meritocracy, DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion, hiring practices, diverse teams, systemic barriers, equality, fairness

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